Is Indigo Rugs by Ultimate in Grey good for you?

None presents Indigo Rugs by Ultimate in Grey. If you're looking for Rugs or Decor in general then this may be a good choice. But is it a good match for you? Press the "IS IT GOOD FOR ME?" button below to find out!
Indigo Rugs by Ultimate in Grey
26% matchClaire's favorite home decor style is Scandinavian, her favorite color is Blue, she loves Jazz and when entering her Apartment she wants to feel Energetic
Is it good for me?

Who is it for?

Our latest analysis of the personality traits of people who like "Indigo Rugs by Ultimate in Grey" shows that it is mostly liked by people whose home decoration style is Traditional, favorite home mood is Anxious, type of house is Villa, favorite color is Lime, favorite music genre is Folk, age group is 65+, zodiac sign is Virgo, gender is Male and their favorite cuisine is Japanese.

Home decoration style of people who like "Indigo Rugs by Ultimate in Grey"

Home decoration style of people who like "Indigo Rugs by Ultimate in Grey"
Home decoration style of people who like "Indigo Rugs by Ultimate in Grey"
Home decoration style Number of people
Traditional 18
Industrial 6
Minimalist 3
Mid-century Modern 3
Modern 3

Favorite home mood of people who like "Indigo Rugs by Ultimate in Grey"

Favorite home mood of people who like "Indigo Rugs by Ultimate in Grey"
Favorite home mood of people who like "Indigo Rugs by Ultimate in Grey"
Favorite home mood Number of people
Anxious 18
Determined 6
Hopeful 6
Calm 3
Optimistic 3

Type of house of people who like "Indigo Rugs by Ultimate in Grey"

Type of house of people who like "Indigo Rugs by Ultimate in Grey"
Type of house of people who like "Indigo Rugs by Ultimate in Grey"
Type of house Number of people
Villa 24
House (Single-use residential building) 9
Flat / Apartment 6
Mobile house 3
Cottage 3

Favorite color of people who like "Indigo Rugs by Ultimate in Grey"

Favorite color of people who like "Indigo Rugs by Ultimate in Grey"
Favorite color of people who like "Indigo Rugs by Ultimate in Grey"
Favorite color Number of people
Lime 24
Hot pink 6
Azure 3
Olden 3
Wheat 3

Favorite music genre of people who like "Indigo Rugs by Ultimate in Grey"

Favorite music genre of people who like "Indigo Rugs by Ultimate in Grey"
Favorite music genre of people who like "Indigo Rugs by Ultimate in Grey"
Favorite music genre Number of people
Folk 18
World / Traditional 6
R&B 3
Country 3
Rock 3

Age group of people who like "Indigo Rugs by Ultimate in Grey"

Age group of people who like "Indigo Rugs by Ultimate in Grey"
Age group of people who like "Indigo Rugs by Ultimate in Grey"
Age group Number of people
65+ 24
45-54 9
35-44 6
5-12 3
18-24 3

Zodiac sign of people who like "Indigo Rugs by Ultimate in Grey"

Zodiac sign of people who like "Indigo Rugs by Ultimate in Grey"
Zodiac sign of people who like "Indigo Rugs by Ultimate in Grey"
Zodiac sign Number of people
Virgo 18
Sagittarius 9
Pisces 6
Libra 6
Leo 3

Gender of people who like "Indigo Rugs by Ultimate in Grey"

Gender of people who like "Indigo Rugs by Ultimate in Grey"
Gender of people who like "Indigo Rugs by Ultimate in Grey"
Gender Number of people
Male 54
Female 9

Favorite cuisine of people who like "Indigo Rugs by Ultimate in Grey"

Favorite cuisine of people who like "Indigo Rugs by Ultimate in Grey"
Favorite cuisine of people who like "Indigo Rugs by Ultimate in Grey"
Favorite cuisine Number of people
Japanese 24
Italian 6
American 6
Singapore 3
Lebanese 3

How does the Matcherate Test work?

Everytime someone takes the Matcherate test for "Indigo Rugs by Ultimate in Grey" or relevant items by None in the Rugs and Decor category, we anonymously collect the answers and feed the data into Matcherate's state-of-the-art recommendation engine (read [1], [2] and [3] about some of the algorithms we use) to understand the personal preferences, personality traits and demographics of people who love Indigo Rugs by Ultimate in Grey the most. We then compare this data to your answers and come up with your personal match score.

A sample of the data we are using to generate the match scores, reports and visualizations for the Matcherate Test of Indigo Rugs by Ultimate in Grey may be found below:

  • 64%A person whose home decoration style is Minimalist, favorite home mood is Anxious, type of house is Flat / Apartment, favorite music genre is R&B and favorite cuisine is American, scored 64%
  • 56%A person whose home decoration style is Industrial, favorite home mood is Anxious, type of house is House (Single-use residential building), favorite music genre is World / Traditional and favorite cuisine is Japanese, scored 56%
  • 56%A person whose home decoration style is Industrial, favorite home mood is Anxious, type of house is House (Single-use residential building), favorite music genre is World / Traditional and favorite cuisine is Japanese, scored 56%
  • 53%A person whose home decoration style is Modern, favorite home mood is Hopeful, type of house is Mobile house, favorite music genre is Rock and favorite cuisine is Japanese, scored 53%
  • 52%A person whose home decoration style is Scandinavian, favorite home mood is Hopeful, type of house is Flat / Apartment, favorite music genre is Classical and favorite cuisine is Singapore, scored 52%
  • 45%A person whose home decoration style is Mid-century Modern, favorite home mood is Calm, type of house is Villa, favorite music genre is Country and favorite cuisine is Japanese, scored 45%
  • 13%A person whose home decoration style is Traditional, favorite home mood is Determined, type of house is Villa, favorite music genre is Folk and favorite cuisine is Italian, scored 13%
  • 13%A person whose home decoration style is Traditional, favorite home mood is Determined, type of house is Villa, favorite music genre is Folk and favorite cuisine is Italian, scored 13%
About RugMatcher

Rugmatcher finds the best rug for you based on what other people who match your personality like.
