Our latest analysis of the personality traits of people who like "Screened Cushion by William Yeoward in Blue" shows that it is mostly liked by people whose home decoration style is Traditional, favorite home mood is Amused, type of house is Villa, favorite color is Brown, favorite music genre is Pop, age group is 65+, zodiac sign is Pisces, gender is Female and their favorite cuisine is French.
Everytime someone takes the Matcherate test for "Screened Cushion by William Yeoward in Blue" or relevant items by None in the Rose Electra Harris Cushions and Cushions category, we anonymously collect the answers and feed the data into Matcherate's state-of-the-art recommendation engine (read [1], [2] and [3] about some of the algorithms we use) to understand the personal preferences, personality traits and demographics of people who love Screened Cushion by William Yeoward in Blue the most. We then compare this data to your answers and come up with your personal match score.
A sample of the data we are using to generate the match scores, reports and visualizations for the Matcherate Test of Screened Cushion by William Yeoward in Blue may be found below: